What is the Triple P Primary Care Stepping Stones Program?
The Triple P Primary Care Stepping Stones Program has been developed for parents of children with a disability.
Triple P Primary Care Stepping Stones Program involves a brief one-to-one parenting intervention designed to target discrete
problem behaviors or developmental skills (e.g. social skills, communication). Triple P Primary Care Stepping
Stones Program has been evaluated with families of children with a range of disabilities (e.g. intellectual
disability, autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy) and elevated levels of disruptive behavior.
Sessions are between 15-30 minutes. The first two sessions are conducted in person and the following sessions can
be completed either in person or by telephone. Our counselor meets with the parent(s) for up to four sessions
over a period of six weeks. During this time parents are assisted to develop parenting & behavior support plans.
These plans are implement to prevent the problem behavior, teach needed skills and manage misbehavior.
Who is it for?
Parents or caregivers of children with a disability (up to 12-years) with a specific concern about their
child’s behavior and require one-to-one consultation with active skills training. These parents may be
unable to commit to regular treatment over longer periods of time. They are most likely to benefit if
their child’s behavioral issues are not complicated by high levels of family stress.
Session Structure
What is the Parent Coaching Program?
This program is designed specifically for children without developmental
disabilities who are experiencing misbehavior.